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Team professionals

Panterra Group´s success is primarily driven by active and organized team of professionals motivated to utmost result.
We are open for professional, talented and active specialists ready to become a part of our company. If you are interested in working with Panterra Group, please, email your CV to human resources department of our company at We will review it thoroughly and contact you for sure, in case of a relevant vacancy.
We provide our employees with interesting creative work, perfect labor compensation, opportunity for education and career growth, eventful corporative life, and satisfaction from work.
In turn, the company is targeted at maintenance of working climate and positive psychological climate through clear definition of each specialist’s responsibilities, his role in company’s work, conformance with principles of justice in distribution of financial rewards, careful organization of work space and timely informational exchange within the team.

Resume submission form

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By submitting your CV, you agree with processing of your personal data by LLC “Panterra Group” in accordance with the RF Labor Code and Federal Law “On Personal Data” with the purpose of assisting your employment.

If you are interested in working with Panterra Group, please, email your CV to human resources department of our company at